Here’s a link to the bio’s of each delegate and whether they are bound to a candidate, or uncommitted, like Linda Brickman- AZ, Trump, or Ross Little Jr., LA, uncommitted.,_2016
Trump’s on now.
FBN carrying
Hillary wants to scare people out of voting for the Better Life. The American Dream.
This is so terrible what the party did to us. Starting with mitt Romney and the establishment, because of them we are in this divisive condition at this moment of the campaign. We should’ve been blowing Hillary out of the water by now if we would’ve been united instead we are barely floating. But I’ll tell you something I will never vote for another Republican ever again. According to the globalist RNC establishment ..during the primaries my vote was worth a hill of beans. Well I’m going to show them how expensive those beans were next election! GOPexit...never again!! I’d rather sit out the next round of elections without a party then vote for another Republican. The backstabbers will stab us as soon as they get to the hill anyway...Example Mia Love!! It won’t make any difference if we have the majority anyway the spineless Republican will maidserve the witch hand and foot like servants serving their masters...just call them house butlers !! Fix them to a Tee!!!