Couple of retweets by Trump, of tweets by Gov. Jan Brewer (AZ). Not sure it means anything, but might be used to fuel speculation that Jan Brewer is on the short list of VP candidates.
I would appoint her- Ambassador to Mexico, or somewhere else suitable to her pedigree, in the upper echelon of Trump’s administration.
I’m not feeling her instinctively as a strong “Trump” VP figure. Someone under 60, while not a hard rule, would be a reasonable filter to consider.
Possibly a person capable of swinging a blue or purple state into the win column, might be a weighted consideration.
Someone that has been in the legislative trenches and fought for conservative principles, earning battle scars aplenty, would likely endear themselves to the man.
I think that a self made capitalist might also earn Trump’s interest.
Someone beyond reproach, of course this goes without saying... in other words, never speaking with a forked tongue. Naturally, I have someone in mind!
One other comment about a Trump VP... this person will not be a figurehead in the traditional sense. Trump is going to work between 12-16 hours a day, for at least the first 100 days, and so will the VP. I imagine he will settle into a routine of about 12 hours a day, so every single day, America is going to get a POTUS outworking about 95% of the population. Likewise the VP.