I say NO.
People need to learn how to make choices. That is primary reason many of the people are on Govt assistance, they don’t know how to make wise choices, and the responsibility of their choices.
Having box pre made is the same baloney many churches do for the illegals/poor in my area. churches say they are helping but really just enabling, since the ones I asked do NOTHING to connect with these people to truly try to help them up and out of poverty or getting legal - just ‘feel good’ handing out boxes of food.
I understand your point 100 percent. In a better world people would not only make better choices with their food stamps, but also try to get off the dole ASAP.
In our world there’s rampant fraud, poor choices, and billions of our tax dollars wasted, and generations of people not willing to work a day to feed themselves or their family.
So that is why I would absolutely support food boxes in lieu of debit cards. Even free markets stocked with bare necessities and healthy choices for the food stamp recipients to “shop” at.
Yessiree..... if I was king....