There must be some way to deselect him and I wish they’d do it. I am always in a state of suspense wondering at the next “edict” out of Il Papa’s mouth and if a portion of the population will obey without question just because of his perceived connection to God.
My late father-in-law was a devout catholic and was solidly convinced that every word a pope said was divinely inspired and that they were infallible. I am pretty sure that, if he were alive today, even he would admit that something is just not right with this one.
this is not Catholic teaching and no Catholic believes such absurdity. this is simply what Protestants have been told about Catholicism, but it's not the truth.
the pope (a real pope, not a false pope) is only divinely guided and infallible when speaking ex cathedra. in these situations, the Holy Spirit is there to protect the Catholic Church against any possible heresy being taught ex cathedra.