Of course it is.
All it takes is a different POTUS/CinC.
About the ONLY thing Bill Clinton got right was Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
What in the world was right about Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell? It just gave the queers a foothold to do what we have now. (BTW, they DID tell, with impunity.)
No, a new CinC won’t be able to take away the mess, no matter how conservative he is. Are they going to discharge the sexual deviants that have been ensconced in the military, or will they be “grandfathered?” As long as their presence persists, it will be a festering infection. Plus, he’ll have the compromised federal court system to deal with.
The don't ask, don't tell (DADT) policy was devised for the express purpose of allowing gays to openly join the military.
Prior to DADT, the military did ask, and responded by discharging the homosexuals. Bill Clinton wanted to lift the ban outright, but met with considerable opposition. So he instituted DADT, to allow gays to join as long as they kept quiet (they could still be discharged if it was learned they were gay).
When Obama was elected, the media went into full propaganda mode. They characterized Obama's ditching of the DADT policy as a "reversal" of DADT, when it never was. A reversal would have meant that the military would have gone back to the previous policy of asking, and not allowing homosexuals to join, or else discharging them if it turned out they had lied initially. What Obama did was an expansion of Clinton's policy--where Clinton had made it possible to join as long as gays kept quiet about it, Obama has made it so that gays can openly flaunt their homosexuality.
You have to be careful with the leftist narrative. They misrepresent the past in order to fabricate a narrative that advances their agenda.