Wow. That makes sense. He was supposed to hit and run, jump on a plane, eventually make it to Afghanistan and earn his street cred with the Taliban. Father arrives and continues his run for Afghanistan President with his now aligned Taliban supporters. Now how involved was the Obama State Department ?
He might have viewed himself as well nigh invincible by this time, Ape.
If other stories are true, he even got complained about by a member of his own mosque for his infatuation with a dangerous jihadist imam, and nothing came of it. He probably figured Allah would let him do just about anything.
from what I’ve read it looked like the time line showed the old man’s trip to state dept were under hildabeast’s watch??
maybe I misread that.
amazing that an obviously jihadi family member can get clearance to walk right into state department or the white mosque.
But the power of “Allah” (the devil) is that of a con job. He intimidates people, and they won’t take actions which would bespeak courage. Fear and blaming reigns.
The game continues until Christ finally determines it is time for the jig to be up. Then watch the Lord come roaring back.
“You [God] are forgiving, therefore You are feared.” God will rebuke the fearful, but won’t necessarily condemn them. He restores courage to those willing to come back to Him.