I thought of voting for Beruff until I did a little research. He says he’s not a politician but he’s a Crist confidante who was appointed by Crist to 3 political positions. That plus the fact that the polls have him losing to Murphy by double digits and even to Grayson by 7 persuaded me he’s not the guy for the job.
Beruff is a successful businessman. On his website he sounds like Trump with "Put America First" on his logo.
He's also pledged to spend $15 million of his own money. As for hobnobbing with Crist who cares? Crist was Gov and I'm sure Beruff had to grease his palms a few times just like Trump did with them.
Overall, I'm sick and tired of crooked Lawyers who turn into crooked politicians. Let the business people take the reins and ride.