As for mankind's CO2, there is either a very strange coincidence of natural increases from the biosphere and volanoes or there is the manmade explanation of the rise from 280 to 400.
There are some who say the rise came from warming. That is partly correct, we had natural warming after the end of the Little Ice Age and that warming can explain 10ppm of that rise. But it can't explain the whole rise. There are also claims that CO2 was higher in recent centuries. But those old measurements invariably are from morning with CO2 off-gased from vegetation overnight, or from cities or both. The most reliable estimates come from Greenland ice cores which have annual resolution for the past 20k years. They show the current rise to be fairly unique in that interval. But, (there's always a but) other measurements show the current rise to not be so unique, with a few natural spurts reaching about 1/2 the current observed CO2 spurt.
So bottom line there is probably some warming from rising CO2, the rising CO2 is almost certainly manmade and that's about it for the science. Most everything else I read is propaganda. For example talking about weather as if the minor amount of global warimng could change the weather (even if that was possible it would be negative feedback). Lots of propaganda about melting icecaps but the fact is that it is too cold to snow in Antarctica and not warming, but if it did, it would result in more snow and ice accumulation.
With the cumulative IR absorption of atmosphere of all gasses to include water vapor, methane, and CO2 the CO2 portion is relatively minor and the portion of CO2 that is man made minuscule.