Sugar does not make you fat. Empty sugar does. Get all your sugar from fruit, not empty sugar drinks.
The body needs fruit, veggies & water. Quit counting calories.
The highest nutrition fruit & veggie is Watermelon & Spinach. Berries is higher but Watermelon is edible and Walmart has precut chunks. Buy Tupperware food container, 1.5 liter. Drop handful Spinach in, Watermelon on top. No salads. Finger eat leaf at a time, lasts longer.
That is your basic food nutrition plus water.
Eat meat as desired also. Use color theory eg yellow corn veggie, blueberry fruit, as desired. Nuts as desired, Wholefoods, no salt.
The body needs no cooking, no conventional breakfast, no supper. Those are social constructs that homemaker feels good about but makes others fat. Just munch throughout the day.
That is the food part. You will live til 100 years old, and out live everyone you know. :-)
Copyright TheNext 2016.
Some good advice, I think. I love watermelon.