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To: RitaOK
The information in it is priceless, for the truth and accuracy it contains.

Accuracy is a priority, for presenting unsubstantiated claims alongside facts impugns the integrity of the poster and his charges. A person looking for substantiation for these various accusations can find:

John Brennan, current head of the CIA converted to Islam while stationed in Saudi Arabia.

Origins: On 8 March 2013, John Brennan was sworn in as CIA Director. He was nominated by President Barack Obama on 7 January 2013, and in February of that year a rumor began to circulate about Brennan's purported conversion to Islam while he was stationed in Saudi Arabia in the 1990s.

Objections were raised to Brennan's nomination by lawmakers such as Rand Paul, who filibustered Brennan's confirmation over his prior sanctioning of the use of drones. But a fringe objection echoed outside the Beltway, where Brennan's fitness to serve was questioned due to his supposedly becoming a Muslim while stationed in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The claim's fire was fueled after Brennan was sworn in to his office not on a Bible but on a copy of the Constitution.

The rumor about Brennan's conversion to Islam coalesced after a 9 February 2013 radio broadcast during which former FBI agent John Guandolo levied the accusation...

Iterations of the "Brennan is a Muslim" claim have a single thing in common: ex-FBI agent John Guandolo. Guandolo resigned from his position with the Bureau in December 2008 after he was caught engaging in a sexual relationship with a key confidential source in the midst of a corruption investigation of a Louisiana politician. Since then, he has created a burgeoning second career training law enforcement groups to identify potential covert Islamic threats to the United States...

The only thing approaching proof the former FBI agent had cited in support of his claim is the fact that Brennan once said during a speech that he had "marveled at the majesty of the Hajj." Since the Hajj is an annual pilgrimage undertaken by Muslims to Mecca, a holy city that non-Muslims not are allowed to enter, Guandolo arrived at the extremely far-fetched conclusion that Brennan himself must be a Muslim in order to have marveled at it...

While it is true that John Brennan was sworn into office using a copy of the U.S. Constitution rather than a Bible, that fact alone is not definitive proof of any particular religious sentiment. Had he sought to conceal his Islamic faith, it's just as likely he would have opted to use a Bible (particularly if he had no intent to uphold the very Constitution on which he swore his oath). -

Guandolo’s first accusation – that Brennan has brought known terrorist operatives into the United States government purposefully – is both deeply serious and somewhat difficult to verify. Throughout the radio interview, Guandolo flings this accusation about, but never once names a single name...

This brings us to Guandolo’s second accusation against Brennan – that he has proven with his own words that he is ignorant of Al Qaeda’s strategy and also considers Al Qaeda the sole enemy in the War on Terror..A video cited in the interview with Trento is especially instructive here..

“For more than three decades, I have also had the tremendous fortune to travel the world, and as part of that experience, to learn about the goodness and beauty of Islam,” Brennan says. “In Saudi Arabia, I saw how our Saudi partners fulfilled their duties as custodians of the two holy Mosques of Mecca and Medina. I marveled at the majesty of the Hajj, and the devotion of those who fulfill their duty as Muslims by making that pilgrimage. And in all my travels, the city I have come to love most is Al Quds — Jerusalem — where three great faiths come together.” Is this a problematic quote? Possibly, if you view Islam itself as an enemy of the United States, or worry about the positive references to Saudi Arabia (whose royal family subscribes to a particularly hard line brand of Islamism), but it is not an admission of treason. It also loses some power when matched against Brennan’s actual record, which does not read like the record of a poorly concealed closet Islamist.

Why? Because when Brennan first came up as a nominee for CIA Director, back in 2008, his main critics came from the Left. In fact, so pervasive was the left-wing criticism of Brennan that President Obama was forced to withdraw his name from consideration. Again, why? Because Brennan had supported the “enhanced interrogation techniques” pioneered by President George W. Bush and was seen as unacceptably hawkish on civil liberties. He even served under President Bush as interim director of the National Counterterrorism Center. Finally, his nomination is even now being attacked by the ACLU over his support for fierce interrogations and the Obama administration’s drone strike program. After his confirmation hearings, even the Weekly Standard expressed grudging admiration for Brennan’s knowledge of the issues. News sources that lend a sympathetic ear to Islamism, on the other hand, such as Al Jazeera, have criticized and lambasted Brennan.

Which brings us, finally, to the accusation that Brennan is a Muslim. This one is impossible to prove or disprove, except to take Guandolo’s word on it, since his sources are anonymous. Equally impossible to prove or disprove is the allegation that Brennan’s conversion was the product of foreign counterintelligence, without speaking to Guandolo’s sources. Given that those sources will not talk to anyone else, Guandolo’s position is fairly precarious. -

This comment that followed though is true;

Ellman - Feb. 12, 2013 at 6:11pm I suspect that if Mr. Brennan were an Evangelical Christian that his beliefs would be probed intently by the Senate. No one would object to a hostile interrogation. If fact, the mainstream media would be frantically urging that he not be considered for the post because of his religious affiliation. Interesting, is it not, that Islam and Muslims are almost a taboo subject, particularly in Washington DC, as was the case with Communists in the 1950′s. So what is it that makes DC hostile to Christianity but friendly and politically correct to Communists and Islamists?

Obama's top adviser, Valerie Jarrett, is a Muslim who was born in Iran where her parents still live.

As for Iranian-born (to American parents) Chicago lawyer with a degree in psychology Valerie Jarrett, it would be hard for her parents to live in Iran since Dr. Bowman died of cancer on September 28, 2011, at the University of Chicago Medical Center, at the age of 88 - Meanwhile his wife currently is the Irving B. Harris Professor of Child Development at Erikson Institute in Chicago, Illinois. - Valerie was born in Shiraz; but she returned to the U.S. with her parents in 1962 (when she was five years old), and her parents spent the rest of their working lives residing in the Chicago area (as did Valerie until she joined the Obama administration in 2008). -

As for being Muslim (not simply pro-Muslim/anti-Israel), evidence for this is a statement attributed to her,

I am an Iranian by birth and of my Islamic Faith. I am also an American citizen and I seek to help change America to be a more Islamic country. My faith guides me and I feel it is going well in the transition of using freedom of religion in America against itself…

However, this oft-repeated quote has been unable to be substantiated. But what is credibly testified to is that,

She does have tremendous access to the President. She is noted for being fiercely loyal to him as seen in a Wall Street Journal article ( ). This can be seen in her willingness to say things aren’t particularly true in order to defend President Obama, such as when she said “Nothing in #Obamacare forces people out of their health plans.” Of course, this was not at all true, as Politifact points out, since a number of Americans lost their health care coverage because it didn’t meet the minimum standards that the Affordable Care Act set. -


Like Barack Obama, Jarrett’s initial experience was not as an American, but an American/Muslim hybrid. According to an American Spectator report in August of 2008, the Obama campaign had initiated an aggressive program to hide Jarrett’s Iranian background. This program received significant help from certain media figures who were only too happy to comply with the Obama camp’s request that Jarrett’s Middle East ties were not made a public matter – even as declared Jarrett its “Iranian of the Day” that same month of August. Also during that same time period, Barack Obama admitted to the New York Times that, “I trust her (Jarrett) to speak for me, particularly when we’re dealing with delicate issues” and that he ran every important decision by her first.


Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) files obtained by Judicial Watch reveal that the dad, maternal grandpa and father-in-law of President Obama’s trusted senior advisor, Valerie Jarrett, were hardcore Communists under investigation by the U.S. government.

Jarrett’s dad, pathologist and geneticist Dr. James Bowman, had extensive ties to Communist associations and individuals, his lengthy FBI file shows. In 1950 Bowman was in communication with a paid Soviet agent named Alfred Stern, who fled to Prague after getting charged with espionage. Bowman was also a member of a Communist-sympathizing group called the Association of Internes and Medical Students. After his discharge from the Army Medical Corps in 1955, Bowman moved to Iran to work, the FBI records show.

According to Bowman’s government file the Association of Internes and Medical Students is an organization that “has long been a faithful follower of the Communist Party line” and engages in un-American activities. Bowman was born in Washington D.C. and had deep ties to Chicago, where he often collaborated with fellow Communists. JW also obtained documents on Bowman from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) showing that the FBI was brought into investigate him for his membership in a group that “follows the communist party line.” The Jarrett family Communist ties also include a business partnership between Jarrett’s maternal grandpa, Robert Rochon Taylor, and Stern, the Soviet agent associated with her dad.

Jarrett’s father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett, was also another big-time Chicago Communist, according to separate FBI files obtained by JW as part of a probe into the Jarrett family’s Communist ties. For a period of time Vernon Jarrett appeared on the FBI’s Security Index and was considered a potential Communist saboteur who was to be arrested in the event of a conflict with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). His FBI file reveals that he was assigned to write propaganda for a Communist Party front group in Chicago that would “disseminate the Communist Party line among…the middle class.”

It’s been well documented that Valerie Jarrett, a Chicago lawyer and longtime Obama confidant, is a liberal extremist who wields tremendous power in the White House. Faithful to her roots, she still has connections to many Communist and extremist groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood. Jarrett and her family also had strong ties to Frank Marshal Davis, a big Obama mentor and Communist Party member with an extensive FBI file.

JW has exposed Valerie Jarrett’s many transgressions over the years, including her role in covering up a scandalous gun-running operation carried out by the Department of Justice (DOJ). Last fall JW obtained public records that show Jarrett was a key player in the effort to cover up that Attorney General Eric Holder lied to Congress about the Fast and Furious, a disastrous experiment in which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (ATF) allowed guns from the U.S. to be smuggled into Mexico so they could eventually be traced to drug cartels. Instead, federal law enforcement officers lost track of hundreds of weapons which have been used in an unknown number of crimes, including the murder of a U.S. Border Patrol agent in Arizona.

In 2008 JW got documents linking Valerie Jarrett, who also served as co-chairman of Obama’s presidential transition team, to a series of real estate scandals, including several housing projects operated by convicted felon and Obama fundraiser/friend Antoin “Tony” Rezko. According to the documents obtained from the Illinois Secretary of State, Valerie Jarrett served as a board member for several organizations that provided funding and support for Chicago slum projects operated by Rezko. -

Hillary Clinton's top adviser, Huma Abedin is a Muslim, whose mother and brother are still involved in the now outlawed Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt!

Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for Homeland Security, Arif Aikhan, is a Muslim.

True. In 2006, Alikhan was named deputy mayor for homeland security and public safety for the city of Los Angeles, at which time he stated:

A Muslim born to Pakistani and Indian parents, Alikhan said his personal background will inform his role as City Hall's leading counter-terrorism official. "I hope my experience as a Muslim will help [me] address one of the most important issues of our" time, he said. "I think the Muslim community is just as concerned about terrorism as any other." -

The issue however, is how that translates into support for terrorism in the light of his work:

Alikhan's efforts to hire 1,000 new LAPD officers resulted in the highest deployment level in LAPD history before Alikhan left for Washington. Additionally, Mr. Alikhan significantly advanced the Mayor’s emergency preparedness and counter-terrorism initiatives, substantially increased cooperation with federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, led the effort to create the L.A. Fire Department's Professional Standards Division, and helped secure over $400 million in homeland security and public safety grants for the Los Angeles region. - Alikhan's efforts to hire 1,000 new LAPD officers resulted in the highest deployment level in LAPD history before Alikhan left for Washington. Additionally, Mr. Alikhan significantly advanced the Mayor’s emergency preparedness and counter-terrorism initiatives, substantially increased cooperation with federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, led the effort to create the L.A. Fire Department's Professional Standards Division, and helped secure over $400 million in homeland security and public safety grants for the Los Angeles region.

Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for Homeland Security, Arif Aikhan, is a Muslim.

This is true, and additionally Since 2015, Abedin has served as vice chairwoman for Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign for president... Hillary Clinton has been described as a mentor, and a mother figure to Huma. In 2010, at Abedin's wedding to Weiner, Clinton said: "I have one daughter. But if I had a second daughter, it would (be) Huma." During a trip that Clinton and Abedin made to Saudi Arabia, Abedin’s mother, Saleha Mahmood Abedin, said to Clinton: "Hillary, you have spent more time with my daughter than I have in the past 15 years. I’m jealous of you!"[59][60][61] In June 2011, Abedin's husband was the center of a sexting scandal which led to Weiner's resignation from Congress on June 23, 2011.[55][56] In a press conference relating to an additional sexting scandal in 2013, during her husband's unsuccessful campaign in the New York City's mayoral primary election, Abedin said that while her marriage to Weiner had been challenging, "I love him, I have forgiven him, I believe in him."[57][58] -

Homeland Security Adviser, Mohammed Elibiary, is a muslim.

He is Muslim, but once again the info is not current, as Elibiary was unceremoniously removed from his fellowship position with the Department of Homeland Security, which he tried to spin as a "resignation," but letters sent to members of Congress by DHS officials indicated he would not be reappointed. Undoubtedly, one of the chief reasons for DHS cutting ties with Elibiary was a long string of extremist statements he had been making on Twitter, including talking about the inevitability of the return of an ISIS-style caliphate -- tweets that were subsequently used by ISIS supporters for recruiting purposes.

But Elibiary has apparently not learned his lesson, engaging in a hate-filled anti-Christian rant on Twitter yesterday, even going so far to attack Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal as a "bottom feeder". More on this radical:

Mohamed Elibiary is [was] an advisor to the Department of Homeland Security. Out of this list he probably is the most controversial. According to a November 9, 2011 CBN News article, Elibiary spoke at a Texas conference in 2004 and honored Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini as a “great Islamic visionary.” Elibiary is a member of the Department of Homeland Security’s Advisory Council. He was granted access to a nationwide database that contained terror watch lists and sensitive FBI reports, which he was accused of leaking portions of the documents to the media in order to spread charges of “Islamophobia” within Governor Rick Perry’s Texas government. -

Obama adviser and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, Salam al-Marayati, is a Muslim.


A founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council and its current executive director, Salam al-Marayati's family moved to the United States from Iraq when he was a young boy.[1] He gained national attention in 1999, when then-House Democratic Leader Richard Gephardt nominated him to serve on the National Commission on Terrorism. Gephardt later withdrew the nomination after a public backlash highlighted al-Marayati's defense of terrorist acts and the groups who carry them out.[2]

Al-Marayati's record on defending terrorist groups and extremists is substantial. During a 2002 speech at the State Department, Salam al-Marayati, said, "Rashid Ghannouchi is an example of those who promote this need for dialogue between civilizations, not confrontation."[3] Ghannoushi was the head of Tunisia's banned Muslim Brotherhood-aligned Al-Nahda Party and was convicted by a Tunisian court of responsibility for a bomb blast that blew the foot off a British tourist.[4] In a 1999 PBS interview, he called Hizballah attacks "legitimate resistance,"[5] but later added "when a Muslim commits an act of terrorism, we stand very loudly and clearly against that Muslim that committed that act of violence."[6] -

Obama's Sharia Czar, Imam Mohamed Magid, of the Islamic Society of North America is a Muslim.

True, though preaching peace:

Imam Magid helped in the establishment of religious services for Muslim communities in various parts of America. He has much experience in community service, where he was a representative of the east organization of the Islamic Society of North America. He served as vice president of the Association before his election in September 2010 as President of the Society. He established several service projects such as the Peaceful Families Project, the Annual Twinning of Mosques and Synagogues, the Interfaith Conference of Washington, DC, and the Buxton Interfaith Initiative. He established a religious partnership with Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk to build bridges between religious communities within the States.

In March 2002, the FBI raided the ADAMS organization on suspicion that they provided material support to terrorists. After questioning him he left the headquarters of the FBI joining crowds of Muslims there and said: "This is a war against Islam and Muslims." He was able through societal pressure to remove parts of the curricula in United States schools which subjected Islam and Muslims to being described by terrorism and extremism. Later he also served on the National Security Council, and was a member in the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Arab Consultative Council

In 2011 Obama appointed him as an adviser in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to combat violent extremism and terrorism and provide advice to individuals belonging to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other federal agencies. -

Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships, Eboo Patel, is a Muslim.

Yes, though a "ecumenical" type:

Patel details his life and career extensively in his 2007 autobiography, Acts of Faith. In the book, Patel notes that he became interested in religious diversity in college, where he noticed that conversations on multiculturalism and multiple identities did not involve religious identity. After graduating from college, he taught at an alternative education program for high school dropouts in Chicago and, inspired partly by Dorothy Day’s Catholic Worker movement, founded a cooperative living community for activists and artists in Chicago’s Uptown neighborhood.[5]:61–69 As an activist, Patel felt that diversity, service, and faith were important parts of civic life but found no community organization that touched on all three, specifically one that worked with young people.[5]:74 In response, he developed the idea for the Interfaith Youth Core,[7] formulated through his relationship with Brother Wayne Teasdale and blessed by the Dalai Lama, that would bring young people of different faiths together around service and dialogue.[5]:74 -

In Patel's 2007 book, Saving Each Other, Saving Ourselves, the author recounts discussions that he had with Imam Rauf regarding the future of Islam in the United States. “Islam is a religion that has always been revitalized by its migration,” writes Patel. “America is a nation that has been constantly rejuvenated by immigrants. There is now a critical mass of Muslims in America.” The website of the American Society for Muslim Advancement, an organization co-founded by Rauf, once listed Patel as one of the top “Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow.” -

Nancy Pelosi announced she will appoint Rep Andre Carson, D-Ind, a Muslim, as the first Muslim lawmaker on the House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, of all things! It would make Carson the first Muslim to serve on the committee that receives intelligence on the threat of Islamic militants in the Middle East! He has suggested that U.S. schools should be modeled after Islamic madrassas, where education is based on the Quran!!!

Another liberal Muslim.

Carson is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, New Democrat Coalition and the youngest member of the Congressional Black Caucus. Among others, he is also a member of the Congressional Automotive Caucus, Cancer Action Caucus, Children's Caucus, Climate Change Caucus, Human Rights Caucus, International Conservation Caucus, Labor and Working Families Caucus, Study Group on Public Health, Democratic Budget Group, LGBT Equality Caucus, Military Family Caucus and Renewable/Efficient Energy Caucus.

As regards the above statement:

Carson made a speech to an Islamic group that resulted in criticism from right-wing groups when he stated that American public schools should be modelled on Islamic madrassas. He granted an interview to reporter Mary Beth Schneider of The Indianapolis Star in which he maintained his speech remarks had been taken out of context.[25] On the same date, he issued a press release clarifying his position that no "...particular faith should be the foundation of our public schools..."[26] -

And last but not least, our closet Muslim himself, Barack Hussein Obama.

He is actually an amalgam of faith systems, Islam, Black Liberation, Communism, etc. which have one major theme in common, that of the victim-entitlement mentality, that the devil authored and used from the beginning, first selfishly presuming (in the first "Occupy Movement") that he was worthy of God's position, power and possessions, that God should "share the wealth." And being cast down for his prideful rebellion, seducing Eve with the lie that she was a victim of God's selfishness, in not treating her justly by forbidding one thing He had, under penalty of death, versus benefits being rewarded, and disobedience punished, and with mercy not being a right.

Which does not mean that we are not to "honor the king," and render general obedience to the government, and pray "for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all Godliness and honesty." (1 Timothy 2:2)

However, the Lord did call Herod a "fox," (Lk 13:32) apparently meaning a cunning person, unclean and or perhaps as he lived in public incest with his sister-in-law. (Mark 6:17) And without railings, prophetic type reproof can have its place, in the fear of God, and not out an animus toward authority in general.

Which victim-entitlement message served one purpose, as in Communism, which was not to actually free the oppressed but to bring all into dependence upon and subjection to the devil, who thus requires obeisance to him, which he has (an is) slowly "progressively" sought to do thru his proxy servants.

And which may explain the rather stanch military stance the Obama administration has shown toward the self-sufficient industrious Chinese in contrary to his slow seemingly hand-wringing response to Islamic aggression.

77 posted on 06/19/2016 2:26:04 PM PDT by daniel1212 ( Turn to the Lord Jesus as a damned and destitute sinner+ trust Him to save you, then follow Him!)
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To: daniel1212

Thanks for your clarifications.

John Brennan has always seemed like a straight-up patriotic guy and is the perfect person to head the CIA. When I briefly checked his public record after reading the information in the first post, I wasn’t sure what to believe.

79 posted on 06/19/2016 7:37:32 PM PDT by fision
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