It wasn't because I disliked Cruz, I just thought Trump was better.
My story is the same, except that I changed from Cruz to Trump in December when I came to believe that DT was the better choice.
Presently on display here at FreeRepublic is a conflict between human nature - which wants to boast that "I was right before you were so you suck!" - and common sense which understands the necessity to win new allies and welcomes them. The latter wins elections. Let's never forget that Paul, the greatest Christian who ever lived, persecuted believers before becoming one of them and eventually their leader. Or that Ronald Reagan was a Socialist and union activist before seeing the light of freedom and leading the free world.
In this election, I welcome all support that is wholehearted and sincere. Time will tell if Hewitt's newly proclaimed endorsement fits that bill, but I won't run him off unless and until he proves to be a fraud.