I thought the speech was well timed and delivered. Hit the high points again and again. Put the problem at the feet of obongo and Hitlery and all the useless open borders people we have who fight against him daily.
He tempered the speech by saying he looks to the muslim community to work with us to root out the problems which completely defuses the Hitlery false argument he wants to deport all Muzzies.
He addressed the costs associated with bringing in a bunch of savages, my word, while noting we have had the most liberal immigration policy ever in the world. He hit the point that immigration is a privilege, not a right.
I loved the speech. I also love here were no sarcastic comments and he looked and sounded like the adult in the room. Obongo I am sure will have some sardonic comments and Hitlery will continue her anti gun rants.
I saw Wolf Blitzer and his panel sitting in high chairs (Wolf looks like an elderly toddler in bar stools, not a good look for sweet dumb Wolfie). David Bergen (?) said “This speech will be very polarizing.”
REALLY??? Personally, I think that you have to put in a few overtime hours to come up with the lies that you can use to go against this speech. Not that Obama and Hill and their slave—dog media won’t try it, but the arguments will be hollow, shallow, mean spirited lies that put Americans at risk.