...the secret that no one ever mention’s... The cab company is owned by a mooslim..who pays in cash.. So no taxes collected...the feds know it
The locals know it...and you can rest assured
all Congress critters and senators know it
I was told by an Indian (India) friend how it works in Nj...( especially in EGYPT)...A family of 4 goes to a “financial advisor” in Eygpt.. who is very willing to lend them 30,000 to immigrant to the US..
when they arrive...the very first thing they do is become two families
...a single father with two children
and a single woman with the same kids ( it doubles their benefits)
...which includes housing,healthcare, education, and even dads train ticket to the city to find work..which he’s had since he left Egypt... When applying for all the goodies it’s all taking care of by a nice Egyptian lady at the benefits office ( who knows the game) language difficulties ya know..
My friend’s sister knows of 8 Egyptian families who live on the same block of Jersey City NJ that do the same thing...works out to around $75,000 combined in bennies plus the dads cab gig in NY around 35- 40,000
...so the loan is taking care of...
quickly...home free. No one ..NO ONE EVER CHECKS their eligibility. Corruption? of course but them RATS GOT THEIR VOTE