,,, AMEN ,, I have a young niece (13) who is being heavily influenced by a group of lesbians , one of which is in the family circle . My niece claims she has had no sexual experiences at all but she is always following them around at family gatherings like a puppy. For the lesbians it is not just a sexual preference but they have made it an agenda ,, an issue to flaunt . One of which is on her second so called wedding in less than three years and her mother is paying for these ceremonies . At the ceremonies their is plenty of LGBT literature on every table . As a Hetero I think this is weird ,, I don’t wear my sexuality on my sleeve or feel I have to influence anyone to follow my example . I could care not what two consenting adults do in their bedroom and I don’t feel like I am a homophobe . I can see this agenda thing is almost everywhere now . They represent less than 3% of the population and the Trannies are less than 1% . I am a Christian ,, I believe God has created the universe and earth and all life forms . The only thing that keeps all types of life forms on earth perpetuating is procreation which I feel is the natural order of life . Two men or two women can not naturally perpetuate or reproduce life with out medical intervention . I believe this is why most homosexuals do not believe in God . Am I the one who is screwed up ???
Uh, no. It is the world that is such a perverted mess.
I used to be a man trapped in a woman’s body... THEN I WAS BORN!