To: RonPaulLives; Cronos; Mr Apple; stephenjohnbanker; SunkenCiv; spacejunkie2001; IMR 4350; ...
I was eating at the lunch counter of a diner next to a hotel I was staying in in Elizabeth New Jersey years ago
when a policeman sitting next to me got up and said he had to go to.
I finished eating and followed him to the front of a theater just across the street.
A big bus drove up, a bunch of 56 black muslims got out and then Ali, wearing a black shirt and black pants, got out.
He stood in front of the theater, with an audience of about 8 people including me and several policeman, and gave his feeble-minded memorized spiel, which included mentions of kikes and spics
And then got back on the bus with his muslim handlers to head to their next stop.
To: MarvinStinson
You simply made that up. Proof or it didn’t happen.
57 posted on
06/04/2016 5:54:06 AM PDT by
("I want those feeble minded asses overthrown,,,")
To: MarvinStinson; AdmSmith; AnonymousConservative; Berosus; Bockscar; cardinal4; ColdOne; ...
60 posted on
06/04/2016 5:59:09 AM PDT by
(I'll tell you what's wrong with society -- no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.)
To: MarvinStinson
A big bus drove up, a bunch of 56 black muslims got out and then Ali, wearing a black shirt and black pants, got out. He stood in front of the theater, with an audience of about 8 people including me and several policeman, and gave his feeble-minded memorized spiel, which included mentions of kikes and spics And then got back on the bus with his muslim handlers to head to their next stop. A hatred of the Jewish people is in line with a Muslim like Cassius Clay. The irony is that his given (Christian name) was beautiful. I wish I had his original name.
100 posted on
06/04/2016 6:53:12 AM PDT by
("I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6)
To: MarvinStinson
Yeah, this is the kind of stuff that I’ve heard about, too. Ted Nugent is a nut but Ali’s was as good as gold, whatever.... is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson