It’s not healthy to be consumed with envy. While some of those 4,000 sq ft McMansions can be eyesores, I don’t begrudge those with the means to build them. I’m staying in Naperville this week which is probably the epicenter of suburban wealth in the Chicago area. What amazes me more than the nonstop gated communities are the miles and miles of strip malls with zillions of restaurants and scores of big box stores that repeat themselves every few miles. People here eat out 4-5 times a week. It does seem to be a nice place to raise children as there are tons of ball fields and parks. The traffic is something else though and these Illinois people love their traffic lights. It can sometimes take a half hour to crawl one mile and the light stays red for as much as five minutes at a time.
My wife and I recently relocated to Connecticut and downsized to a 3,000 sq ft home. Seems big for two people but we wanted to have extra bedrooms so our grown children can visit yet not make it so comfortable that they want to stay too long. We have a dog and four acres of land, mostly woods, for the dog to run around and collect ticks.
If you have time, go for the Naperville Riverwalk!
The Veterans memorial is nice, and the 911 memorial, the Carillon...
Sounds so nice. 3000 sq feet is a really nice size. I don’t understand when I visit other places how they build homes over 5000 sq feet. How expensive are they to heat and cool? Sheesh.