More and more it seems the country does not like it’s OWN people.
Trump is right —vets get treatment worse than illegals.
The system LIKES illegals and women.
The system does NOT like it’s own guys.
When guys flirt a little with a women, “it’s SYMBOLIC rape”, whatever the hell THAT is.
The job scene, the dating scene and the University system all hate white guys, basically.
I can’t understand why this is all a mystery.
It’s a war on men, especially on WHITE men.
Your right, it is a war on men, particularly white men, who apparently are the scum of the Earth as taught in most major colleges. Women are all tatted up and up their own asses. The economy is terrible. Corporate America is politically correct and geared increasingly towards women and their strengths of communication and collaboration and more towards placating minorities and making it harder for white males to get a job. Violent crime is up.
I can understand why men want to stay around family, whom they can trust. I can also understand why there’s little reason to strive, as there’s little reward in doing so.
The left always needs Goldsteins. Both white men, and whites total, are Goldsteins, for the globalists. Here, and in Europe.
Christians are also Goldsteins for the globalists.
But the system is mainly composed of its own guys. Go figure. Guy-guilt, anyone?