“However, I do not recall he expressing outrage over the invasion of this country.”
You need to listen more frequently, then. He spent MONTHS early last year agonizing over why the GOPe was so hell-bent on Amnesty. Finally, he figured it out. It was something he always preached, which is FOLLOW THE MONEY. It wasn’t that the GOPe loved Amnesty all that much, it was that they loved the money brought in from the big donors (i.e., people who don’t give a crap who gets elected, as long as it’s good for their businesses).
Before that, he fought TOOTH-AND-NAIL against Rubio’s Gang of Eight sellout of the country.
Rush taught us listeners who was really pulling the strings (i.e., the big money people mentioned above) and how they much preferred staying in the shadows (a little John McCain lingo), and WE RESPONDED by launching Trump.
Without Rush, Trump would now be back to building high rises, and Amnesty would (or very soon will) be the law of the land.
He’s done more for this country than just about any Republican leader, although Fluck, gushing over Rubio, and trying to give life support to Cruz were screw-ups.
Glad to hear that he is opposed to amnesty. His support of Robot Rubio, who fought extensively for amnesty, sure leaves a different impression.