Nah, no one is going to remember this as a failing of Hillary. It will just give fuel to the ‘Trump is a flip-flopper’ narrative.
I’m as big a Trump supporter as you will find and IMO he really shot himself in the foot here. Most of the ‘flip-flopper’ charges are actually the media distorting his words. He clearly said he was serious yesterday in the presser before the Energy speech, so that explanation won’t float.
Dumb mistake. Personally I’m even more disappointed than after the dumb Heidi retweet. Be objective here folks, this didn’t play well for Trump.
Horse pucky. It’s a single blip on the radar screen gone forever. You’re making it sound like Trump’s world is coming to an end. At least- a dozen other BREAKING NEWS events, will populate the news banners between right now and Tuesday morning. Think about it...
Trump has an indescribable and unknown- to the universe, force field, surrounding him.