I think Trump would have had fun debating Bernie, and certainly could have done his campaign a lot of good.
But, by pointing out how the D party bosses have rigged their nomination... Trump scores a real BINGO zinger (because all D’s know its true)....and a lot of Bernie supporters will resonate to having this very unfair (read that CORRUPT) nomination system POINTED OUT so clearly....
so far, they’ve only had themselves to listen to when discussing this problem. Now, they have the entire nation’s attention being pointed directly to just how CROOKED Hillary and the D party machine bosses are...
Score one big one for the Donald as he will pick up even more Bernie voters this way!
Exactly. Trump just focused all attention on the corrupt and rigged dem system of Super delegates that makes it impossible for Bernie to win. He decided that debating a loser would be a mistake. He mention this in his speech in Fresno a couple hours ago before the announcement.
Good point. The WAY he said this is to be very open about how Bernie is getting screwed. Time for Bernie and his supporters to get. Upset at the Dem party. Glad he mentioned the hideous Debbie as well.