“Haven’t quite recovered from TDS yet, eh?”
Give it up. It’s over. trump has the nomination and is glowing to steam roll Clinton.
My prediction is in four years or so the bloom will be off the rose and you will be the one hating Trump for selling out and you’ll be on to a new political savior whereas I will be objectively acknowledging and supporting the good things he did and recognizing the less good things that merit criticism.
Nope. This is the last attempt for me and many like me. If Trump fails us, we will have lost all faith in the electoral process seeing as how the ballot box will have failed America, and we will move to the next box to solve America's ills.
If Trump gets elected and turns his back on us, it will tear this Country apart. If Hitlery or the Bern gets elected, it will tear this Country apart. Get over yourself and realize this is our last great shot. If it don't work out, we start over, or die trying.