Obama had one of the best ground games of recent campaigns.
There have been a number of really good articles on it (can’t copy and paste links from my phone, but they can be googled) and the underlying data systems (Narwal and Catalist) that go into frightening detail on just how good they were. While Romney’s system (ORCA) crashed and burned on Election Day, helping to cost him the presidency.
thank you I will do that.
holy guacamole. I remember it being a media thing, but since then I’ve taken some college level psych classes and one was “social psychology” where they explained the sheople phenomenon. Best example was how they got the nation to recycle. Besides the fact I hated the course because all the negatives about society were conservative (my text book was very UN-sellable by the end since I wrote in it-LOL) I found a link that is making me shake my head...
years ago I would explain when the social psychologists were manipulating the sheople in my posts. I wish I had saved them and the threads.