This whole restroom thing is really about sexually desensitizing girls.
And it isn't really about the T's in LGBT. Transgenders.
It is entirely about desensitizing, or, rather, eliminating the notion of differentiation in sexes and genders, and eliminating the notion that sexuality is something of delicacy, needing guarding and protected, and unique to humans. Not just in girls, but in all of mankind.
The Progressive ideologist doesn't give a rat's patoot about Transgendered persons, or those with gender dysphoria, or homosexuals, or whatever is this week's class of sexual spectrum victims.
The Progressive ideologist wants to turn the powers of nature, or the powers of God (depending on how one sees these things) over to an elite junta of wise men. God created the sexes and made them distinct. This must notion therefore be destroyed.
This whole restroom thing is really about sexually desensitizing girls.
I respectfully disagree; that is merely one of the perks (for the enemy).
This is primarily about establishing secular, communist, totalitarian control over every citizen; more specifically, it is about excising Christianity and its moral foundation - the key to making liberty possible - from the public sphere.
They want all “moral” determinations to be made by government; they want to destroy both personal responsibility and personal freedom (for the one cannot exist without the other).
One of my grandsons is a high-school sophomore.
A couple of weeks before the Obama edict he told his mom that a couple of girls had walked into their shower room after a track meet at another school and declared that they could come in there if they wanted to.
His mom is on the local school board and it was quite a heated topic Mon. night.
It seems that anyone entering the “wrong” shower room had better be prepared to accept whatever consequences these country girls choose to impart.