To: YogicCowboy; mkjessup; nopardons; JBW1949; stephenjohnbanker; jsanders2001; Defiant1; musicman; ...
Let’s see if TC “restarts” his campaign on June 7 .... lotsa delegates that day. Wouldn’t surprise me if he shows up in the news that day, like the last 2 Tuesdays.
59 posted on
05/18/2016 5:20:00 PM PDT by
(Be a blessing to a stranger today for some have entertained angels unaware)
To: SaveFerris; YogicCowboy; mkjessup; nopardons; JBW1949; stephenjohnbanker; jsanders2001; Defiant1; ..
Any shrink worth his salt would declare Cruz a head case ; )
60 posted on
05/19/2016 8:12:02 AM PDT by
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