I know a couple of TSA employees, and I can tell you this, it is a thankless job. The grunts who do the groundwork are overworked and underpaid, the management should be fired, all of them. They sound like the worst run division of the federal government (and I had worked for the Feds for many years. So that is saying something). That division is a dumpster fire.
TSA=Too Stupid for Arby’s
TSA= Thousands Standing Around
Lately in Denver and Milwaukee there has been a move to canine TSA. They go up and down the line and when I got to scanner was able to move thru without taking shoes off or taking laptop out. I know it is a test program but makes too much sense. A trained Labrador or Beagle has more cognitive thought than average TSA drone and work a lot cheaper (bacon treats and a new toy).