You know about it. Fine. Most Merchants and small business people didn’t and still don’t. They’re busy trying to stay alive in this depression economy and nobody told them anything about this plan to try to force them to pay more. Maybe it was published in the federal regs but the business people were never told, contacted, asked for their advice or certainly not their input or votes. Now there will be some worker raises and more worker layoffs for sure — the to- be-laid off workers were never informed or asked to vote on whether they went to be unemployed either. Communist government doesn’t work well. Leaving all ideological debates aside, communism and fascism do not work well for society or for most individuals ( just for the dictators in charge and maybe a few privileged people from time to time).
You should really try to be more informed about things if you intend to comment about them.
It’s been out there for more than 2 years now, and if you read the document at the link, you’ll learn that there has been considerably more discussion and communication about this that you are aware of.
It’s OK, though, it clearly does not apply to you in any way, shape, or form. It does not appear that you are a non exempt employee earning less than 47K.