“Here we go again - busing kids from one district to another didnt solve anything - it caused more problems. Seems like the crazy lady judge wants to cause as much discord as Obama ....”
Brown v Board has existed for 60 years and is in no way controversal or problematic.
It is time this town in Mississippi stepped forward to at lest the middle of the 20th century.
“It is time this town in Mississippi stepped forward to at [least] the middle of the 20th century.”
We will see what this is really about — I suggest many people need to take pictures of the schools as they are today, review the test scores today, all of the measurements of learning and education documented as of today and then come back 12 months from now, 24 months from now...If the education of the children has improved, success! If not, yet another liberal failure!
It's about time that those who blindly bite when others try to cll Mississippi racist get with the reality. Like anyplace else, if there's segregation of Blacks from Whites, it's either due to the demographics of where each lives and the schools in that district or the parents opting to keep each to their own - more Blacks than Whites do so these days and then they complain because "privileged Whitey" does better in the schools. Put those same Blacks and Whites in the same schools with the same teachers and see which demographic does consistently better.
I've been a Mississippi resident since 1986 and have seen the differences in the local schools and the quality of the teachers of both races. In second grade, my daughter attended a school with a majority of Black teachers - when she came home with 100% on spelling paers with many mistakes, she said that her teacher made her change the spelling. Then, she seemed to know what was coming up in movies we hadn't seen before - turns out her "teacher" was having a lot of "bad days" where she would plug in a VCR and play movies to keep them "busy"
We finally got enough people to complain that they decided to test all the teachers for competence. A teacher friend came by and said they all knew the fix was in when they saw 'proctors" on either side of the trashy teacher to ensure she passed.
It ain't racist Whites in Mississippi causing the problems.....
Where do you lie that makes you such an expert?