But if that is not enough, how about this affecting ones social and emotional health. The red pill is that ones love life will be adversely affected by obesity in the real world. Thats how it works in the real world. It will also affect ones economic prospects, self esteem, etc. Being told to accept this doing a disservice to those individuals.
Sounds a lot like what liberals do. They like to feel it's their duty to tell people how to live.
In real life, if you are a girl and are fat, there are many bad consequences for remaining in that state.
Which is why woman should thank god for your service to shame them. Lord knows they don't have enough self-esteem issues to deal with. It's also sad to see young males with bigger boobs than women. Fat shaming them might help them lose weight and find their hidden penis...
It will also affect ones economic prospects, self esteem, etc.
Then lets bring in the Nanny State. They need to control people because they can't control themselves...
Being told to accept this doing a disservice to those individuals.
No one should accept it but also we don't need self appointed body nazis to tell people how to act.