They lied about Obama Care (many times)
They lied about Benghazi
They lied about the entire Arab Spring
They lied about the Iran Deal
They lied about the IRS
They lied about Syria
They lied about Unemployment
They lied about the bail outs (Solindra, etc.)
They lied about where the national debt was going
They lied about Fast and Furious
They lied about the Veteran’s Administration
They lied about the Dream Act
etc., etc., etc.
This administration is and has been an internal enemy to the people and the constitution of this nation...and have constantly lied about almost everything they have done.
Well, as I mentioned previously, it really is our fault. We continue to consent. We sit back and let it happen. We file our taxes, use the corrupt/criminal financial system's so-called "federal reserve notes", all in the name of securing not our posterity, but our material stuff. Becuase to do anything but consent would put everything we own at risk, and we can't have that! They may lie, but we don't have to allow it.
They lied about being Americans.
We shrugged, thought it too hard to research and swallowed hook, line and sinker.