Said I, 'about two-thirds of the earth's population would move to the United States if they could and most would vote to turn it into the very type of corrupt third world cesspool from which they escaped.'
Open borders is not a libertarian tenenant. Maybe the Libertarian party believes so but it is not. If it is allowed, Legal and controlled immigration is necessary to sustain a true libertarian country. It is critical to only let in others who will support your beliefs.
She is 100% correct about freedom of movement. Why else do dims work overtime to force people onto mass trans and make it expensive or impossible to move about? They known they cannot force their collective wisdom on us if we are able to move about.
All great purges start with restrIctions on movement then end with forced movement.
Well, it didn’t take 2/3, and we’re well on our way to the bottom.
“It’s not the fall that kills you; it’s the sudden stop at the end.”