The Cruz delegates are bound to Trump for the first ballot. If Trump does not receive the required majority on the first round of voting, delegates are then unbound and can vote for whoever they want.
As such, Cruz is playing the strategy of being the candidate that is left when (if) Trump fails to receive the required delegates.
Now what I dont understand is how Jan feels she has been cheated. She KNOWS the delegates are bound to Trump for the first round of votes. She knew the rules prior to the election of delegates. As far as I know, she was not on the slate of delegates. I am not sure where she has a claim for being cheated.
‘Now what I dont understand is how Jan feels she has been cheated.’
Perhaps because her name was removed from the ballot, so no one even had the option of voting for her?
No, that can’t be it. It’s too obvious, and if that was it you’d understand the cheating part.
Jan was on the slate of candidates to be elected delagates to the National convention.
Her name was dropped from ballot some way. There will be a challenge I think.