Another example ofNew York values.....hospitals in other parts of the country..usually red..are superb. I speak from first hand experience
Seriously?? Did you really find it necessary to bring New York values into this? You really are a classless person.
Hospitals here in NYC are some of the very best. University, Bellevue, Sloan-Kettering, NY Hospital, Presbyterian, you name it, they are wonderful. If you don’t know about hospital bureaucracy (which is what the article is about) than lucky you - you mustn’t spend too much time in them. I don’t know any doctors, aside from friends, who hand out their email addresses or cell numbers.
Knock of that crap.
Prayers up for Stossel. A friend has lung cancer that is inoperable, but responding to treatment. Long term outlook is not great.
I had carpal tunnel surgery at the Hospital for Joint Diseases here in Manhattan. It was first class all the way, totally. On the other hand, the Brooklyn Hospital Center is a real doghouse. I had major surgery there about 12 years ago. While my surgeon was fantastic, the hospital was a place I would not bring my cat. An orderly wheeled me from 6 1/2 hours of surgery into an elevator, where he bumped me into the wall, causing excruciating pain. Then he wheeled me into my room and did not help me into the bed. Then a woman came into the room and started screaming I was in HER bed! Then the orderly did not help me back on to the gurney to put me into the other bed, nor did he help me get into my proper bed. Nasty Caribbean nurses. Medical waste left on the floor of my room. Food waste left in unemptied waste baskets in my room. I slept with a vomit stained (I could not tolerate Percoset) blanket for 3 days. The nurses complained I rang their bell too much, even though it was mostly for my new roommate, who had no legs and could not reach the bell. Then they did not want to release me, even to a friend doctor's care. When I wrote the state board of health, I did not even receive the courtesy of a reply.
That’s not been my experience.
Columbia Presbyterian is a phenomenal hospital, and people come from all over the world to be treated there. The bureaucratic and repetitive paperwork are because of Obamacare, HIPAA, other regulations and the ambulance-chasing lawyers who force medical professionals to ask the patient the same stupid questions six times so that they cover their asses.
I know several people who are alive today because of the care and treatment that they received at Columbia.
Your comment is not only insulting, it is unnecessary.
I have never had medical treatment in another state. I have never witnessed treatment in another state, but when I was admitted to hospital here in CO in 2013, I had excellent care, for the most part, at University Hospital at the old Fitzsimons AMC. Same goes for my parents there. And my daughter at Children’s Hospital on the same campus. It was expensive as heck so I understand what he is getting at as far as costs and unnecessary tests. I’m sure a lot of that gets done to prevent suits as he said.
I'm not a doctor and don't have a clue what Stossel's diagnosis is, but the proton machine in Houston,(there are about 9-10 in the world) can destroy many tumors without cutting out your lung, or any other parts. I personally knew a man that was scheduled to have his face cut off from under his nose to his neck and then get radiation just to live maybe another year,... walked out of MD Anderson completely healed with a scalpel ever touching him after proton treatments with absolutely NO side effects. I'm still in touch with him and he sings in his church choir 4 years later.
Many doctors that tell you you will die have never even heard of Proton radiation, and if they have, they don't have one and won't send you somewhere where they don't get a cut of the money. The doctor that discovered my cancer had me scheduled for treatment in a clinic he had a financial interest in. When I said I was going to get a second opinion, he held his cool, but some in his office were openly hostile to me after just saying I wanted to go somewhere else. I haven's gone back.
Oh, and Stossel,....Stop smoking dope with your libtardian friends and maybe you won't die of cancer. I never understood the same guys that hate tobacco, smoke dope and want everybody else to.
Your doctor texts or emails you when he’s running late?
Lucky guy.