Meanwhile I got excoriated by a bunch of eugenicists on another thread for complaining about the rape exception to abortion.
Rape/Life of mother. Those would be *my* ONLY exceptions. Else, IMO, the former is tantamount to punishing the victim.
She best be given (paid by??) the best mental health possible in an effort to KEEP that baby from harm until birth/adoption/etc. That’s (can be/will be/maybe?) a lot of upkeep until...
A woman, whom MUST care of the child, and thus, reminded every min., of every day, until birth, of the hideous act?...or be jailed? Are We going to prosecute the woman if she turns to alcohol/drugs to get away from that nightmare? Falls down the stairs? The ol’ folk-remedies?
It would be a cruel punishment to force a person to carry a baby which was the product of a violent rape. Basically, you are saying that you should keep the rapist sperm in your body. Although I am against abortion, you are not going to have most people in this country agree to force a woman into a pregnancy after a violent rape.
So then under this law, if there is an exception for rape or life of the mother then would the person performing the abortion under those circumstances still lose their license? And if they do then shouldn't the doctor who recommended the abortion lose their license as well? If performing an abortion is unprofessional conduct then recommending one should also be unprofessional conduct as well.