McDonalds is also testing them in some locations.
They will get your order right, won’t act like they don’t care you are there, and give you the right change when you insert a $20 bill.
And won’t ask for days off, complain about a “living wage”, show up late, bitch about the other employees, etc,etc,etc.
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine!
My prediction is they will go away when the customer base becomes too illiterate and STOOOOPID to key in their orders correctly, and food waste costs go through the ceiling.
Smoke weed or screw at work.
you know, those teenagers need jobs too...
and the housewives trying to bring a couple of extra dollars for the family...
and the elderly looking also to supplement their SS....
its not their fault that the politicians are trying to kill off their jobs....
every job for the most part is important and so while we can make fun of the hamburger flippers, remember its a JOB...and they're doing a JOB.....
or would so many just want them to be lazy at home and live off SSDI.????