He too was admired by everyone in “all the world, from the rising to the setting sun” as was initially written..... although he was considered a moderate ruler and had manipulated the public by hiding his true nature. Like Trump to gain support, he granted bonuses to the military, and though his first 6 months as Emperor he did great....it didn't last as his cruelty, sadism and extravagance soon surfaced.....true to his real nature started to get rid those who were close to him who helped him attain his power or he saw a serious threat.
He also , like Trump has indicated he would do, increased the power of the emperor, restored the practice of democratic elections and much of his attention was toward personal construction projects and luxurious dwellings. As well used the state's treasury as political payments for support, generosity and extravagance which he eventually exhausted.....additionally he would fine individuals for the purpose of seizing their estates. Also raised tax's.
On and on I can see Trump more aligned with Caligula....
Caligula didn’t build an empire, Trump and Nebuchadnezzar did...