Sorry, I cannot support someone who has donated so much to liberals who think it is ok to suck the brains out of a partially born baby. No, donating to those politicians because you want to build a skyscraper is not morally justifiable.
That’s ok, you stay home. We’ll build the wall to keep your children safe without you.
In 1999 Trump reluctantly agreed that if he were prochoice he had no right to object to a legal procedure. That was his turning point. 4 months later he made a public statement that he had spoken reluctantly feeling cornered but had realized that he was wrong and he had to set the record straight.
Since that time (2000) Trump has gotten more and more prolife and has committed to defunding Planned Parenthood upon becoming President unless they cease performing abortions. Trump on the Issues- Abortion
Additionally Trump donated a vastly greater amount to Republicans than Democrats, again its on the record. If you limit the Presidency to people who agree with you on every issue there is no one left to run. If you limit it to people who agree with your hot button issue they will lose and they will most likely carry a lot of baggage, other positions that you are not in agreement with. We must fight for America with the candidates we have or she will fall and we will fall with her.
Welcome to the real world.
There's lies and there's damn lies, and that's a damn lie.
Donald Trump is now staunchly pro-life, based on a personal experience he had several years back.
So take your lies and begone, liar...
Vote Trump
“Sorry, I cannot support someone who has donated so much to liberals who think it is ok to suck the brains out of a partially born baby. No, donating to those politicians because you want to build a skyscraper is not morally justifiable.”
It has the same moral status as paying taxes. You pay taxes, that money goes to abortion.
In both cases it’s justifiable because you’re under a threat. In the case of taxes, they infringe your rights otherwise by putting you in a cage. In the case of political contributions,, they infringe your rights otherwise by not letting use your own property, for example with zoning regulations.