Good. Hamilton needs to stay. He was our first Treasury Secretary and pro-central bank, so it makes sense. Also, he was anti-slavery.
Jackson, like modern Democrat politicians of today, de-humanized and exploited African-Americans. In his case he became rich off of African slavery like many early Democrats. He also hated central banks. Makes sense that if someone has to go it should be him.
Sexist pandering, plus there is no woman deserving to be on the $20.
Draw Groucho glasses on the replacement at every opportunity.
* the womens suffrage movement will be added to the back of the 10 *
There will be stacks and stacks of unused tens sitting in bank vaults next to the Susan B Anthony dollars...
Will there even be a United States, let alone what the money will look like?
That’ll be a $20 with mustaches drawn on every one of them.
Harriet Tubman doesn’t even rise to the level of needing to learn about her life, much less being worthy of being placed along side the founders of our country and the greatest presidents.
The truth is, Harriet Tubman has been part of a desperate attempt to find significant black historical figures to cover in us history classes as a form of historical affirmative action.
Harriet Tubman did some good things, but face it, if she were white NO ONE would remember her and she sure as heck wouldn’t be placed alongside our nations greatest on our currency.
It’s sad really.
Harriet Tubman gets a participation ribbon she didn’t earn for being black. I guess it’s perfect for our time when you think about it.