“I’m sure you know as well as I do that rules and laws are not always fair or just. It is not “whining” to point them out when they are not. “
Trump is acting surprised.
“I have little idea how to play poker, so yeah, I probably *would* complain if I had to participate in a poker match for some reason.”
Trump wasn’t forced. He’s had plenty of time to familiarize himself with the way things are done and plan accordingly. It seems that he decided he was going to bloviate his way through the nominating process.
I admire Trump for what he *says* he’s going to do, but I think he’s coming off the rails a bit when it comes to the “how.”
I admire Trump for what he *says* hes going to do, but I think hes coming off the rails a bit when it comes to the how.
Trump is going straight to the people, not the power brokers in DC. So, from the get-go, he cannot take advantage of the way "things are done."
I like the fact that he is exposing some of the deep-rooted corruption in the process. I like the fact that he is not a career politician, but he has the executive skills this country so desparately needs and he is willing to step up and spend his own time and money to apply for the job.
So, no, he isn't schmoozing and doing all of that other stuff to buy power behind the scenes, and he also is not taking money from special interests for which they will expect special favors in return.
I sincerely hope he makes it, and on the first pass. If not, we will just have more of the same--exponentially increasing debt, more tons of regulations complicating every aspect of our lives and driving businesses to other countries, etc. Because that is what putting lawyers into an executive position has gotten us. I don't think the country can survive it, really--and I am not certain President Trump can fix it, either, but he's the most qualified to do so if it can be done.