I refuse to talk to a person on politics who isn't totally familiar with the Superpacs---all their info is public and available online. You cannot have an informed opinion about an election if you're not totally familiar with superpacs and FEC filings on a daily basis.
It boggles my mind how proudly uninformed Cruzers are.
Talk to me after you 1) understand fully WTO and its predecessor GATT, including the work of Robert Zoellick and the late Robert Pastor (Fathers of Nafta; Zoellick was Heidi's boss when she wrote Obamatrade working in the White House); and 2) TPP---it's 1700 pages or so---all online, but a huge chunk of it consists of tariff schedules; 3) Ted's exactly actions (including cloture votes and the like) to sneakily get TPA going so Obama could get TPP going and ALSO Ted is responsible for the verbiage which will allow China to join TPP at a later date. (In a sentence, TPP is "NAFTA on Steroids". To understand this election, you must know what is at stake for the USA.)
Most importantly, if you are not going to fully inform yourself, don't vote---it cancels out the vote of a Trumper who HAS fully informed himself and continues to on a daily basis. No one said it was easy. It requires application of the mind, much as Trump has done in decades of PRODUCING (while Cruz has lived off the government teat at the DC trough all his career, PRODUCING NOTHING.)
...and those are just the beginning of your reading and research. There’s a ton after that to inform oneself. If you keep up AS YOU GO ALONG, as daily events happen or are revealed, it’s easier.
That’s why Jeb bush is the nominee because money donors and super pacs are everything oh wait . .
i already voted for Cruz and will vote again for him in November