This is an excellent post by Farah. Trump is a master tactician and that is why he is actually the best qualified of the candidates.
He and his supporters are not angels—and yeah it is not “nice” to talk about “lying Ted”.
But—I agree that Trump is a Sun Tzu guy. Shape the battlefield, draw your opponent into the battlefield of your choosing, and then annihilate them.
We should see this in action in the Northeast states in the upcoming primaries.
As for the general election—rinse and repeat.
These master tacticians are already the establishment. Why do you accept lies (which it would be if he was manipulating media and voters) when it is your candidate being dishonest but then rage if cruz simply follows the written rules? The end justifies the means—if it’s good enough for one, it’s good enough for all.
A good explanation of the current state of politics. Our leaders are so completely myopic thsy can’t tell they’ve been flanked
“As for the general electionrinse and repeat”
Trump’s hair strategy.