A close friend of mine chose a career in aviation and never looked back. Aviation is a tricky way to make a living, never mind a career. He went Air Force (VERY tough training) and flew Active and Reserves for 21 years. Retired from the AF and took jobs instructing and flying charter, did a little Part 135 flying. Because flying couldn't pay the bills after the AF, he took a series of low-to-medium paying meaningless but inoffensive non-flying jobs to pay the bills. Recently retired from aviation; says he never had any other career. Now living ok in retirement on SS, AF pension, and private company pension along with a part-time job writing. Says he never regretted it.
A career in crappy, low-paying jobs is what you get with a swelled "prodigy" head, lack of imagination, and no real goals. Enjoy mom's basement (until she dies, anyway). And stop whining.
Pilots will go the same way as automated burger slop joints. They’re R&Ding automated jets, no pilots. In fact they’ve already developed and flown working models. Military will eventually go the same way, in a big way.