There is no “redefinition.” The term natural born citizen was left undefined.
“The Constitution does not say in words who shall be natural born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to determine that.” SCOTUS- Minor v Happersett, 1874
Natural law constants are defined by nature. It is a mortal arrogance to presume they can be re-defined by man.
The Constitution does not say in words who shall be natural born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to determine that. SCOTUS- Minor v Happersett, 1874
Glad you quoted that. I regard it as a specific admission that 14th amendment (which was what he meant when he said "the constitution" because it was under 14th amendment grounds that the case was brought) does not say who shall be a natural born citizen.
I agree. It does not, and cannot. Natural law constants cannot be modified. We can chose to use them, or not use them, but we cannot change their meaning.