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To: Mr Apple
Donald Trump has repeatedly labeled his political opponents liars. He dubbed Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) Lyin' Ted when it became clear that Cruz was a serious rival for his nomination; he called Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) an "even bigger liar" than Cruz. He dubbed Dr. Ben Carson a "pathological liar" and said former Florida Governor Jeb Bush's lies were almost as bad as Cruz's. Trump has termed virtually every mildly adversarial media member a liar, too.

But there's only one truly massive liar in this race: Donald Trump. When Politico attempted to measure how many lies Trump told over the course of 4.6 hours of speeches, they found that he lied, on average, once every five minutes. When Huffington Post catalogued his lies over the course of just one town hall event, they came up with 71 lies. 

Which made it relatively easy to come up with this not-even-close-to-complete list of 101 lies from Donald Trump.

1. March 30: Trump claims MSNBC edited their released version of his interview with Chris Matthews in which Trump stumbled on abortion:  “You really ought to hear the whole thing. I mean, this is a long convoluted question. This was a long discussion, and they just cut it out. And, frankly, it was extremely — it was really convoluted.” Nope; that was a lie.

2. March 29: Trump lies that Wisconsin’s effective unemployment rate is 20%, saying, ""What? Is it 20 percent? Effective or regular? I mean just -- effective unemployment rate, 20 percent. Hey, this is out of the big book." According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, The U-3 official unemployment rate in Wisconsin was 4.6 percent in 2015; Wisconsin’s U-6 rate for 2015 was 8.3 percent.

3.  March 29: Told Sean Hannity, “You know, I look at what’s happening in Wisconsin with the numbers, the job numbers, the trade numbers, how it’s a stagnant economy, how they owe $2.2 billion in terms of their budget.” As reported, Wisconsin’s general fund is currently projected to have a positive balance when its current two-year budget cycle ends next year, according to an analysis by nonpartisan budget experts.

4. March 29: Trump alleged that when Michelle Fields "found out that there was a security camera, and that they had her on tape, all of a sudden that story changed." Absolutely untrue.

5. March 29: Trump said the Secret Service was worried about Fields, alleging, "She went through the Secret Service, she had a pen in her hand, which Service Service is not liking because they don't know what it is, whether it's a little bomb…” As Katie Pavlich of Townhall noted, “All reporters at campaign events, like regular attendees, go through Secret Service security before being allowed into a venue. The security is thorough, with a back check, wanding and a metal detector walk through. Fields wasn't carrying a knife, she was carrying a pen and if the Secret Service thought it was dangerous, they would have taken it from her at the security checkpoint before entering the room.”

6. March 27: Trump claims Cruz bought the rights to the ad featuring a nude Melania Trump: Debunked.

7. March 26: Trump lies, "There’s a tremendous tax that we pay when we (American businesses) go into China, whereas when China sells to us there’s no tax."  China’s tariffs are higher than those imposed by the United States, but the Chinese exporters are taxed when they sell in the United States.

8. March 23: Trump accuses Cruz of coordinating with Super PAC in its ad featuring a nude Melania Trump. Tweeting, “Lyin' Ted Cruz denied that he had anything to do with the G.Q. model photo post of Melania. That's why we call him Lyin' Ted!” Debunked.

9. March 21: Trump lies, "Out of 67 counties (in Florida), I won 66, which is unprecedented. It's never happened before." Nope.  In 2004, John Kerry won all 67 counties for the Democrats; in 2000, Al Gore won all 67 for the Democrats and. George W. Bush won all 67 for Republicans. In 1996, Bob Dole took 66 of 67 counties for the GOP primary and the 67th was a tie between Dole and Pat Buchanan in Washington County.

10. March 19: Trump said the 2016 federal omnibus spending bill "funds illegal immigrants coming in and through your border, right through Phoenix." Nope. The omnibus bill does not fund undocumented immigrants "coming in and through" the border; it funds the very agency tasked with keeping undocumented immigrants out, U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

11. March 17: Trump on Fox News denied that he ever accused President George W. Bush of lying about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. “I didn’t say lie. I said he may have lied.” That’s false. Trump said in a February that Bush “lied.”

12. March 13: Trump states that the man who rushed the stage in Dayton, Ohio, "had chatter about ISIS, or with ISIS" in his social media posts. Trump was fooled by a hoax video; the claim is ludicrous.

13. March 11: Lying about Cruz’s count of the states he had had won: “Wasn’t that funny last night when Cruz said, ‘I’m the only one that can beat Donald Trump. I have demonstrated that I can beat him. I won five states.’” Cruz correctly stated he won eight states, not five.

14. March 10: Trump, the expert economist: "GDP was zero essentially for the last two quarters." GDP grew at an annual rate of 1 percent in the fourth quarter of 2015, and 2 percent in the third quarter, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

15. March 10: Trump claims Michelle Fields made up the story about being grabbed by Corey Lewandowski, blustering, "This was, in my opinion, made up. Everybody said nothing happened. Perhaps she made the story up. I think that's what happened." 

16. March 9: “Eight weeks ago, they signed a budget that is so bad. It funds ISIS.”  As POLITICO noted, “The omnibus spending bill, passed in December, is not strictly a budget, and it’s not clear what part of it Trump thinks gives money to ISIS.”

17. March 8: Trump brags that the Trump winery is the “largest winery on the East Coast.”  "That’s not correct," said Michael Kaiser, spokesman for the National Association of American Wineries.  Wine industry analysts calculate a winery’s size by the volume of wine produced. Trump Winery is not even the largest in Virginia. The top producers in the state are the Williamsburg Winery and Chateau Morrisette in Floyd County. In terms of sheer size in acreage, both the Wagner Vineyards Estate Winery in the Finger Lakes region of New York and Pindar Vineyards on New York’s Long Island are larger.

18. March 8: On Trump-branded water and Mitt Romney: “He talked about the water company. Well, there’s the water company. I mean, we sell water.” Well …

19. March 8: “Upstate New York I poll higher than anybody ever.” Hillary Clinton would slaughter Trump 56 percent to 33 percent in upstate New York, according to a Siena College poll.

20. March 8: Trump: “Trump steaks, where are the steaks? Do we have the steaks? We have Trump steaks.” Once sold briefly by The Sharper Image, the company’s website reads, “Unfortunately, Trump Steaks are no longer available, but their legacy endures.

21. March 8: Lying about how much was spent in one week against him: “So many horrible, horrible things said about me in one week. $38 million worth of horrible lies.” According to The Tracking Firm, every Republican dollar spent by Trump’s opponents on TV and radio from March 1 through 7 amounted to $10.57 million, and not all of it was directed against Trump.

22. March 8: Trump held up a magazine, claiming it was Trump magazine: "This comes out and it's called The Jewel of Palm Beach and it all goes to all of my clubs. I have had it for many years. It's the magazine. It's great. Anybody want one?" Trump Magazine folded in 2009.

23. March 7: Lying about his popularity after the Paris attacks: “After Paris, all of a sudden it started changing. We started getting polls in. And everybody liked Trump from the standpoint of ISIS, from the standpoint of the military. Less than 42% of respondents in a Washington Post-ABC poll said Trump was the best candidate to best handle the threat of terrorism.

24. March 7: “You have Japan, where the cars come in by the hundreds of thousands, they pour off the boats. ... [W]e send them like nothing. We send them nothing, by comparison, nothing.” The United States exported $62 billion worth of goods to Japan last year.

25. March 7: “I’ve spent the least money and I’m by far number 1. So I’ve spent the least.” As of Jan. 31, Trump’s campaign had spent $23.9 million, more than John Kasich’s campaign, which has spent $7.2 million, or $19.5 million if you include outside groups supporting him.

26. March 7: Trump says you don’t see “Made in the USA” anymore. As POLITICO reported: “The U.S. Economics and Statistics Administra’ in 2014 that found that U.S. manufacturers sold $4.4 trillion of goods that classify as ‘Made in the U.S.A.’”

27. March 7: “I’m self-funding my campaign. I’m not taking money. ... I’m not taking. I spent a lot of money. I don’t take.” As of Jan. 31, his campaign had accepted $7.5 million from donors not named Donald J. Trump.

28. March 7: Boasting he had spent $30 million on his campaign: “I’m already in for $30 million cash.” According to POLITICO, “As of then he had only contributed $250,318, plus the loan of $17.5 million.

29. March 7: “I think I have $50 million of negative ads against me in Florida. $50 million. Somebody said $50 million.” As of March 11, outside groups had spent $15 million in Florida.

30. March 3: Trump claims the wives of the 9/11 hijackers "knew exactly what was happening" and returned to Saudi Arabia two days before the attacks to watch their husbands on television flying the planes. The  9/11 Commission report stated that none of the hijackers had a wife, girlfriend or family member in the United States during the days or months leading up to the hijackings.

31. February 28: Trump claims that the New York Times can write a false story without being sued, snapping, “I think it's very unfair when the New York Times can write a story that they know is false, that they virtually told me they know it's false, and I say, why don't you pull the story, and they say, we're not going to do that, because they can't basically be sued.” the unanimous 1964 U.S. Supreme Court decision in New York Times vs. Sullivan states that the First Amendment does not protect statements made with "actual malice.”

32. February 29, after his Nevada win: Trump brags that he is “number one with Hispanics.” Except 93 percent of the Latinos in Nevada did not  support Trump. A Washington Post-Univision poll in February found that 80% of registered Hispanic voters viewed Trump unfavorably.

33. February 28: "We (Trump University) have an ‘A’ from the Better Business Bureau."   In reality, BBB received multiple consumer complaints about Trump university, which sank to a D-minus in 2010. The reason Trump University rose to an A in July 2014 was that as the company looked to be closing after 2013, no new complaints were reported. Complaints over three years old automatically rolled off of the business review, according to BBB policy. Further, Trump University was never been a BBB-accredited business. When debate moderators were given a document by the Trump campaign, it could not have been an actual Better Business Bureau accreditation notice for Trump University.

34. February 28, with Chris Wallace: Trump claimed that “many of” the university’s instructors were “handpicked” by him. That’s not true. In a 2012 deposition, a top executive for Trump University said that “none of our instructors” was picked by Trump himself.

35. February 28, with Wallace: Trump said that “98 percent of the people that took the courses … thought they were terrific.” A class-action lawsuit against Trump alleges that the surveys were not anonymous and were filled out during or immediately after sessions when participants were still expecting to receive future benefits from the program.

36. February 28: “I don’t know anything about David Duke,” to Jake Tapper. Trump not only has mentioned Duke in the past but actually repudiated him during a Bloomberg interview in August 2015. Fifteen years ago, when Trump was considering running for president as a Reform Party candidate, he named Duke a cause for concern. “Well, you’ve got David Duke just joined — a big racist, a problem. I mean, this is not exactly the people you want in your party,” he said. 

37. February 25, on Trump University: “I’ve won most of the lawsuits.” Not true, as The Washington Post has noted.

38. February 25 debate: Lying about his support for national health care. Cruz says, “Donald, true or false, you’ve said the government should pay for everyone’s health care.” Trump: “That’s false.” Cruz: “But you’ve never stood on this debate stage and says it works great in Canada and Scotland and we should do it here?” Trump’s response? “No, I did not. No I did not.” Trump told 60 Minutes’ Scott Pelley in September 2015 that he’d “take care of everybody” and that the government would pay for it. In the first Republican debate of the election season, Trump stated, “As far as single payer, it works in Canada. It works incredibly well in Scotland.”

39. February 25 debate: Trump accused Cruz of lying regarding his support for toppling Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, saying, “He said I was in favor in Libya. I never discussed that subject. I was in favor of Libya? We would be so much better off if Gaddafi would be in charge right now.” Buzzfeed published a 2011 video of Trump in which he called to get rid of Gaddafi.

40. February 23: Trump says he won the youth vote in Nevada. Not true.

41. February 21: Trump said a “recent poll” showed 25 percent of blacks support him in a hypothetical race against Hillary Clinton. That “recent poll” was from September., Fox News, Feb. 15-17: 10 percent. USA Today/Suffolk, Feb. 11-15: 7 percent. Quinnipiac University, Feb. 10-15: 12 percent; Morning Consult: Feb. 3-7: 11 percent. Public Policy Polling, Feb. 2-3: 4 percent. Quinnipiac University, Feb. 2-4:  4 percent to 12 percent.

42. February: Trump calls Cruz a liar for running an ad accusing Trump of letting  the federal government stay in charge of the state lands they own and not return them to the states. Of course, Cruz was telling the truth, as you see here.

43. Trump claims he “lost hundreds of friends” on 9/11. That lie may have been the most cynical one; as The Daily Beast reported, “If he has hundreds of friends, he should be able to tell us about them,” said a Port Authority police officer who never talks about how many comrades he lost. “If he can tell us about the hundreds of friends he lost, who they were, what kind of person they were, I might have some respect for him.”

44. February 13; "I'm the only one on this stage that said, ‘Do not go into Iraq. Do not attack Iraq.’” There is no known public record of Trump taking a clear stance against the war before it began.

45. February 7: "If we competitively bid drugs in the United States, we can save as much as $300 billion a year.” As the Washington Post pointed out,“Total spending in Medicare Part D (prescription drugs) in 2014 was $78 billion. So Trump, in effect, is claiming to save $300 billion a year on a $78 billion program. That’s like turning water into wine."

46. February 5: Donald Trump claimed that the loan rates Ted Cruz received during his 2012 Senate run were “lower than you could get, lower than anybody could get.” Evidence shows the interest rates Cruz reported were attainable at the time.

47. February 2: Trump lies about the crowd size at an event in Arkansas, claiming, 'So we broke the record, and I asked the fire marshal, 'Please come up because nobody's going to believe me. Please come up'” He later tweeted, 'THANK YOU to everyone in Little Rock, Arkansas tonight! A record crowd of 12K.” But the Daily Mail reported: But the Barton Arena has just 7,150 seats, according to the fair's website, and room for another 3,045 in floor seating, for a total of 10,195. While Trump's fans were standing, not sitting, the floor was less than one-half full and some sections of seats remained mostly empty – suggesting the crowd was perhaps half of what was announced from the stage.” 

48. January 31: Trump tweeted: “‪@bobvanderplaats asked me to do an event. The people holding the event called me to say he wanted $100,000 for himself.Phony ‪@foxandfriends.” The Des Moines Register's chief political reporter Jennifer Jacobs contacted the group to whom Trump spoke, who confirmed that Vander Plaats was correct in replying to Trump that Trump himself was paid $100,000 to speak at Iowa's Land Investment Expo, directly contradicting Trump’s claim.

49. January 28: On the morning of the Fox News/Google debate which Trump boycotted, he retweeted a bogus graphic showing Fox News host Megyn Kelly posing with Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal and his sister. The image is fake.

50. January 22: Trump releases ad saying Cruz is pro-amnesty Ironically, Cruz is not pro-amnesty, as Jeff Sessions has testified, but Trump has been:

51. Taped January 16: Trump denied saying that Americans detained by Iran would “never” be released during the Obama administration. In September, Trump said that “frankly they’re never going to come back with this group.”

52. Also taped January 16: Trump claimed “all of the latest polls have me No. 1 in Iowa.” The Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics Iowa Poll released Jan. 13 showed him behind Ted Cruz by three points.

53. January 15: "We’re losing now over $500 billion a year in terms of imbalance with China." The 2014 trade deficit totaled $343 billion.

54. January 15 GOP debate: Trump denied ever telling the New York Times he had called for a 45% tariff on Chinese goods. He lied.

55. January 15: Trump said the terrorist attacks in Paris last year happened despite the city having "the strictest no-gun policy of any city anywhere in the world." In France, private gun ownership, while heavily regulated, is permitted. France has the twelfth most guns per capita in the world.

56. December 18, on Morning Joe: “Our country is falling apart, frankly. Our infrastructure is a disaster. Our bridges are falling down. Sixty-one percent of our bridges are in danger.” As of 2014, according to the agency, about 61,000 of the country’s 611,000 bridges were rated as "structurally deficient," which works out to 10 percent.

57. December 2: Claimed he had predicted Osama bin Laden’s ascension in his book The America We Deserve, blustering, "I said in that book that we better be careful with this guy named Osama bin Laden. I mean I really study this stuff … And now people are seeing that, they’re saying, “You know, Trump predicted Osama bin Laden.” The America We Deserve makes one reference to bin Laden. It doesn’t write “we better be careful with this guy named Osama bin Laden,” or that the U.S. “better take him out.” All Trump wrote was this: “One day we’re told that a shadowy figure with no fixed address named Osama bin-Laden is public enemy number one, and U.S. jetfighters lay waste to his camp in Afghanistan. He escapes back under some rock, and a few news cycles later it’s on to a new enemy and new crisis.”

58. November 23: Trump claimed 81 percent of murdered white people are killed by black people. The truth? 84 percent of murdered white people are murdered by other white people. Trump cited the “Crime Statistics Bureau—San Francisco,” which doesn’t exist except in the mind of a white supremacist on Twitter.

59. November 21: Trump: “Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down.” There is no evidence to support that claim.

60. November 14: Trump: "Our president wants to take in 250,000 from Syria." Nope, more like 10,000.

61. November 9, on Putin. This one was hilarious. Trump: “I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes … We were stablemates, and we did very well that night.” The two men were interviewed separately in different countries thousands of miles apart.

62. October 31: Trump claimed that John Oliver's program "Last Week Tonight" had invited him to appear on the show "four or five times." Oliver’s response? "Who's he trying to impress with that lie?"

63. October 26: The lie of omitting all the details of his financial rise, only stating, “My father gave me a small loan of $1 million.” Fred Trump — along with the Hyatt hotel chain — jointly guaranteed a $70 million construction loan from Manufacturers Hanover bank, “each assuming a 50 percent share of the obligation and each committing itself to complete the project should Donald be unable to finish it,” according to Trump: The Deals and the Downfall.

64. October 25, tweeted: “Word is that Ford Motor, because of my constant badgering at packed events, is going to cancel their deal to go to Mexico and stay in U.S.” One problem: Ford made that decision four years ago. The company stated, “We decided to move the F-650 and F-750 medium-duty trucks to Ohio Assembly in 2011, long before any candidates announced their intention to run for U.S. president.”

65. October 4: Trump: “You know that was a gun-free zone in Oregon where they had no guns allowed, no nothing. So the only one that had the gun was the bad guy, and everybody was sitting there and there was nothing they could do. Not a thing they could do.” Rebecca Redell, UCC’s vice president and chief financial officer: The student misconduct policy regarding firearms does not apply to students with a valid concealed weapons permit. There is a general prohibition against the possession of weapons on campus that would apply to College patrons, but this, similarly would not apply to those with valid concealed weapon permits pursuant to Oregon law

66. September 30: “The state of Florida had sanctuary cities while Jeb Bush was governor. Nobody said anything.” According to a report from the Congressional Research Service issued in August 2006, when Bush was governor, there were 32 cities and counties nationwide that had “sanctuary policies.” None of those on the list is in Florida.

67. September 29: Trump op-ed on his tax plan in WSJ: “With moderate growth, this plan will be revenue-neutral.”said his tax plan is revenue neutral. The pro-business Tax Foundation estimated the Trump plan would reduce revenues to the Treasury by more than $10 trillion over 10 years, even assuming his plan would create economic growth.

68. September 16: "Just the other day, 2 years old, 2½ years old, a child, a beautiful child went to have the vaccine, and came back, and a week later got a tremendous fever, got very, very sick, now is autistic." There is no evidence a link exists between recommended vaccines and autism

69. September 16: Trump said Mexico doesn’t have a birthright citizenship policy. It does.

70. September 16: Trump lies that he didn’t want casino gambling in Florida during the GOP debate. Jeb Bush: “The one guy that had some special interest that I know of — that tried to get me my views on something, that was generous and gave me money — was Donald Trump. He wanted casino gambling in Florida." Trump: "Totally false." In the late 1990s, Trump tried to build a multimillion-dollar casino with the Seminole Tribe of Florida, according to CNN.

71. August 25: Trump said at a press conference that under Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker the state is “borrowing to a point that nobody thought possible.” The rate of borrowing has slowed under Walker. It was 5.8 percent over his first four years in office compared with 31 percent over the previous four-year period.

72. August 6, GOP debate: Megyn Kelly: “You’ve called women you don’t like fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals. Your Twitter account …” Trump: “Only Rosie O’Donnell.”  Not true.

73. July 19, on John McCain: “He's done nothing to help the vets. And I will tell you, they are living in hell." McCain has a long record of supporting veterans' issues in Congress. He was instrumental in a landmark law approved last year to overhaul the scandal-plagued Department of Veterans Affairs. McCain worked with the chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, independent Bernie Sanders of Vermont, as well as Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla., chairman of the House veterans panel, to help win passage of the law, which aims to alleviate long delays veterans faced in getting medical care.

74. July 1: “I write a book called The Art of the Deal, the No. 1 selling business book of all time, at least I think, but I’m pretty sure it is.” Not even close. "Trump is full of B.S.," said Jeffrey Pfeffer, a professor of business management at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business. "The best selling/most important business books would have to be In Search of Excellence by (Thomas) Peters and (Robert) Waterman that started the genre, Built to Last by Jim Collins, The One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey."

75. July 1: Trump described an audience of 15,000 people in Phoenix; the city fire department said capacity for the North Ballroom was 4,200 people. The doors were closed at 4,169 attendees, said Phoenix Fire Department spokeswoman Shelly Jamison.

76. Mid-July: Trump’s campaign says he’s worth $10 billion; Forbes, which has been tracking his finances for more than 30 years, estimates that his net worth is closer to $4.1 billion, less than half of Trump's figure.

77. June 15 announcement speech: "The last quarter, it was just announced, our gross domestic product … was below zero. Who ever heard of this? It's never below zero.” That is ridiculous, as shown clearly here.

78. June 15, on ISIS: “They've become rich. I'm in competition with them. They just built a hotel in Syria. Can you believe this? They built a hotel." Nope. ISIS took over a hotel.

79.  June 15: Trump: “Even our nuclear arsenal doesn't work.” "Over and over, the nuclear weapons laboratories, the Air Force, the Navy, and the Secretary of Defense have certified that the nuclear arsenal does work," said Matthew Bunn, a nuclear specialist at the Harvard Kennedy School.

80. Trump boasted to Larry King that he got paid $1 million for a speech. King: “For the Learning Annex.” Trump: “Yes, that's true. It's actually more than that.”  Nope. $400,000.

81. As The New York Times reported: Trump lied even about nursery rhyme-themed tiles in his daughter’s room being made by a young Walt Disney.

82. Numerous celebrities who have played with Trump assert that he cheats at golf.

83. Trump lies about his debt level; as National Review has pointed out: “Was Trump actually $9 billion in debt in the 1990s, as he said in two of his books? No. The New York Times reported that Trump later declared the claim a “mistake”: “I don’t know how it got there.”

84. Trump lied about how he avoided the draft for Vietnam, claiming he got a high draft number. Not only did he get four deferments in college, but draft numbers were not even used until December, 1969, a full year after he received his final deferment, a medical one in September 1968. Trump’s campaign later claimed he couldn’t go because of bone spurs.

85. Trump has consistently lied that he is beating Hillary Clinton in polls.

86. Trump has lied that he has won the debates in every poll.

87. Trump lied that Cruz stole the Iowa caucuses from him.

88. Trump lied about Cruz stealing delegates from him in Louisiana. As Aaron Bandler of The Daily Wire pointed out, “Trump is indirectly accusing Cruz of cheating here, but Cruz didn't cheat – he just knows the rules better than Trump. These rules that Trump has been complaining about have actually benefited him.

89. Trump accused Cruz of coordinating with a Super-PAC for Cruz’s huge win in Wisconsin: Trump released a statement reading, "Not only was he propelled by the anti-Trump Super PAC’s spending countless millions of dollars on false advertising against Mr. Trump, but he was coordinating `with his own Super PAC’s (which is illegal) who totally control him.” As Bandler of The Daily Wire noted: “The Trump camp's supposed evidence of this is that Cruz appeared at campaign events that were put on by the Keep the Promise Super PAC. But this is not a violation of federal law, as the The Washington Post explains:

A close reading of FEC regulations reveals that campaigns can do more than just publicly signal their needs to independent groups, a practice that flourished in the 2014 midterms. Operatives on both sides can talk to one another directly, as long as they do not discuss candidate strategy. According to an FEC rule, an independent group also can confer with a campaign until this fall about “issue ads” featuring a candidate. Some election-law lawyers think that a super PAC could share its entire paid media plan, as long as the candidate’s team does not respond.

90. Claims he has given $102 million to charity. He has not released records to prove that assertion, but he has been reckoned the least charitable billionaire in the United States by a TSG review of his foundation’s Internal Revenue Service returns.

91. Trump lied that he could not get enough American workers to staff all the seasonal jobs his resort required during the busy season. When confronted with the fact that he had staffed a wrecking crew with undocumented Polish workers, Trump admitted he had lied.

92. After Marco Rubio brought up the size of Trump’s hands, Trump flailed that no one had ever mentioned the size of the hands before. That was a lie, as ABC reported:

Nearly 30 years ago, Graydon Carter, the editor of Vanity Fair magazine, described Trump in Spy magazine as a “short-fingered vulgarian.” In an editor’s letter in "Vanity Fair" last November, Carter said that he wrote the Sky magazine comment in 1988 "just to drive him a little bit crazy." And according to Carter, it still does.

"Like so many bullies, Trump has skin of gossamer," Carter wrote in November.

"To this day, I receive the occasional envelope from Trump. There is always a photo of him—generally a tear sheet from a magazine. On all of them he has circled his hand in gold Sharpie in a valiant effort to highlight the length of his fingers," Carter wrote. "I almost feel sorry for the poor fellow because, to me, the fingers still look abnormally stubby." "The most recent offering arrived earlier this year, before his decision to go after the Republican presidential nomination," Carter continued. "Like the other packages, this one included a circled hand and the words, also written in gold Sharpie: 'See, not so short!' I sent the picture back by return mail with a note attached, saying, 'Actually, quite short.'"

93. Trump repeated a lie his campaign made up about former Senator Tom Coburn, saying Coburn said of Cruz, “without a doubt, one of the most dishonest people in DC.” Coburn was furious, saying, “It’s an absolute fabrication. I’ve never said that, period.”

94. Trump bleated, “I'm the only one on this stage that said, ‘Do not go into Iraq. Do not attack Iraq.’... Nobody else on this stage said that. And I said it loud and strong. And I was in the private sector. I wasn't a politician, fortunately. But I said it, and I said it loud and clear, ‘You'll destabilize the Middle East.’” Absolutely false, as shown here.

95. Trump: “I will totally protect Israel.” But then again, “Let me be sort of a neutral guy. I don’t want to say whose fault it is. I don’t think it helps.”

96. Trump says that the Bible is his favorite book. But he can’t even quote a verse from it. When he was asked to name his favorite verse, he declined. Some favorite book.

97. Trump said: “I will endorse the 2016 Republican presidential nominee regardless of who it is. I further pledge that I will not seek to run as an independent or write-in candidate nor will I seek or accept the nomination for president of any other party.” But Trump told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos he would consider it months ago.

98. One of the great ones: Trump: “Nobody respects women more than I do.” Tell that to all the women he has insulted.

99. Trump brags about his relationship with God, but as Kevin Williamson of National Review cogently points out, Trump explicitly rejects the fundamentals of Christianity, i.e. man’s fallen state and his need for reconciliation with God. When asked about that, Trump made it clear that he doesn’t believe he needs to be forgiven for anything, that he just needs to — in his words — “drink my little wine and have my little cracker.” As Trump put it, “Why do I have to ask for forgiveness if you’re not making mistakes?”

100. Trump has boasted that he is a conservative, but then tweeted, “Remember, it was the Republican Party, with the help of conservatives, that made so many promises to their base, but didn’t keep them.” For a comprehensive list of why Trump is not a conservative, see here.

101. Trump: "I don't condone violence.” Trump: "I'd like to punch him in the face.”

That's not even a complete list. Trump's dishonesty is so awe-inspiringly pervasive that it would be nearly impossible to catalogue those lies in comprehensive fashion. But be assured: if Trump's talking, there's a solid shot he's not telling the truth. 

802 posted on 04/12/2016 3:32:16 PM PDT by RaceBannon (Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for)
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To: RaceBannon

WOW! You’ve done your homework and kept up with it. Thank you for this list!

807 posted on 04/12/2016 3:46:17 PM PDT by samiam1972 ("It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish."-Mother Teresa)
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To: RaceBannon

Didn’t read any of that. Maybe next Tuesday. lmao

809 posted on 04/12/2016 3:53:10 PM PDT by Mr Apple (
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To: RaceBannon

But he gives a good speech

812 posted on 04/12/2016 3:56:25 PM PDT by driftdiver (I could eat it raw, but why do that when I have a fire.)
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To: RaceBannon

Your the brave one to post any negative facts regarding Trump in these parts! Incoming is on the way! LOL

824 posted on 04/12/2016 4:27:31 PM PDT by heshtesh ((New Yorker for Cruz))
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To: RaceBannon

Who sends you that prepared garbage Race?

You sure as hell don’t have time to just amass that agit prop on the fly hoss

828 posted on 04/12/2016 4:41:21 PM PDT by wardaddy (is Cruz last name a coincidence or a blessing or is he the anti Christ?)
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To: RaceBannon

Stop wasting our time with your dribble, we know who the lying snake is, he is aligned with the Bush’s, Ryan and Beck.

867 posted on 04/12/2016 10:05:35 PM PDT by free_life (If you ask Jesus to forgive you and to save you, He will.)
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To: RaceBannon
Kudos, Race, for culling all of these examples from a man who has no respect for truth.

I am currently going door-to-door here in Pennsylvania on Cruz's behalf, and have been both uplifted and depressed at some of the conversations I have had with local voters.

I printed out your list yesterday and presented it to a few people tonight, just to see what kind of reaction it would engender. Most were impressed and in agreement with your (and my) support of Cruz, but one woman perused the list and remarked, 'In spite of this, I can't vote for Cruz. His voice reminds me too much of my ex-husband's.'

No, she was not joking. Nor was she simply attempting to get a rise out of me. She was entirely serious, and was unknowingly exhibiting the depth, and critical thinking ability, of so many members of the modern American electorate, which goes a long way toward explaining the Trump phenomenon.

901 posted on 04/15/2016 8:13:35 PM PDT by joanie-f (If you believe that God is your co-pilot, it might be time to switch seats ...)
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To: RaceBannon


914 posted on 03/14/2023 1:54:19 PM PDT by linMcHlp
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To: RaceBannon

Digital World Acquisition Corp. (DWAC) - President Donald J. Trump - Truth Social



915 posted on 03/22/2023 11:14:30 AM PDT by linMcHlp
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