Frankly, I don’t know how an “Abstain” vote plays in party rules, or if it is even allowed.
Also, to “suspend” rather than actually drop out possibly enables a campaign to continue raising a little money to clear any remaining debt, but mostly it is the delegate control they want to retain.
May be why TRUMP floated some names out there this week, for possibles, on his VP list— ones with “suspended” campaigns and also he named Kasich.
I was looking at the 2012 Colorado votes at the national Convention. While Santorum won the Colorado caucus that year, Romney got all of the Colorado delegates (Colorado delegates can vote for whomever on the first ballot). But there was something like 8 abstaining! I’m not sure how that works. Other states had a few abstains. I imagine in that election Romney was so far out in front they figured they could register a “protest” vote with no ramifications. But I’m guessing it must be allowed.
Good point - I was thinking it was interesting that he floated potential VP names this week (of course, he could go with someone totally different) given that the MSM has asked him that question for sometime and he’s always declined to comment.