Prayers that your shock and grief run a course that fits His purpose for you and others in your family, and in the circle of friends in your and your son’s life. I can’t imagine the loss you feel, or even any words that could give the least bit of comfort. But I am thinking of you, and others in a similar situation, facing sudden, undeserved losses of staggering proportions. God’s mysterious ways are sometimes cruel. There is no human understanding of it. If you have faith, it is under a most severe test. You may have to seek the company of others, because it will be hard for even friends to cope, for fear of not knowing what to say or how to act. Sure, they will be around, a lot, for a few days or weeks maybe - but you will need support for the rest of your life.
Love to you...Cboldt has stated correctly...already, your response has resulted in God being of my favorite songs has these words: “...hold on my child, joy comes in the morning...” God Bless you in these moments of great personal challenge.