BLAH BLAH BLAH Cruz is a Globalist tool.
Remember when we thought only Democrats pulled this crap?
May I introduce #LyingTed #CheatinTed Cruz?
Disgusting.— Linda Suhler, Ph.D. (@LindaSuhler) April 4, 2016
Wonder where these THOUSANDS of folks who hate Trump, think he disregards the law, think he is entitled — why didn’t they use their entire journals and blogs to say ANYTHING about Obama? That is what I don’t understand. Gad, Obama has just been terrible, such a Marxist. Talk about disregarding the law. Talk about entitled. Talk about wanting to be King of the Universe. Where was National Review then? Where have ABC, NBC, CBS, Meggie-Baby — ANYONE been when the danger was real?/ face-palm on this one
Blah blah blah yourself
Tired of the propoganda spewed by another establishment rag/aggregate....Time to judicially rid the cesspool in Washington of the thieves and self serving bastards and bitches who line their own pockets and then omit themselves from they pass onto us “we the people” rage simmers constantly and I vent by tearing every stupid soft moronic aide I speak with a realistic new a hole and tell them the 40-50 k they receive is from someone like me their employer. I have no room for decorum we are 20 trillion past that ...with record tax revenue and still more spending that undermines a european anglo-saxxon base ...well ...I’ve said enough for now.
Trump is a leftist thug.