If Martinez got begged by enough of the Establishment (and the line of beggars would be miles long), I suspect she'd do it. Maybe
Both of those guys could really use a female VP.
I thought she was a bit low on energy lately, until I heard her speak before the Arizona primary. She was on fire.
So, I changed my mind.
Martinez, of course, is Hispanic.
But New Mexico has very few delegates. Arizona has 11. Ohio, 18.
I think Trump carries Florida on his own. He doesn’t need a Bush or Rubio. He trounced them in what is his second home state.
Kasich would carry Ohio, but I think Kasich would fight the nominee the entire way. He’s really cantankerous. Plus, there’s the 2 old white guys problem.
So, a female. I know others will disagree with these, but I’d take: Brewer, Martinez, Condi Rice, Star Parker, Tennessee’s Blackburn, South Carolina’s Haley, etc.
I’d even consider Christi Todd Whitman, but I’d have to hold my nose on that one.
Pocahontas would be ideal. But she’s a bit old.