What was Von Mises position on Malaysian slave labor making computer circuit boards?
Inquiring minds want to know.
He didn’t study slave trade as far as I know. But he could have .He studied trade and economics. He is THE expert on the subject from conservative/libertarian point of view.
Marx would not have been a fan.
But, my opinion: Every single country we trade with is going to have practices that we hate, that we despise, religions we find unacceptable, leaders who are corrupt. Our job us to make life better for Americans not Malaysians or any of our trading partners. That’s up to the people of Malaysia and the rest.
Protectionism helps politically connected industries be more competitive. The unions favor it and so does Bernie, Hillary and Donald. But the net result is that it lowers the standard of living of every American.
Doubt that if you like, but it is nevertheless true. And it is your standard of living I’m talking about.