Sorry to disappoint you. After God, country comes first. Trump and his followers are riding a Hindenburg. All polls now show Trump with an insuperable 72% negative among women who make for 3% of the electorate, and as polls show this makes for a landslide for Hillary who is beating Trump by 11% points and Berne the socialist winning against Trump by 17%. If this doesn’t scare you and put country first, we are doomed.
Trump is not a successful businessman. His Trump University; Trump Shuttle, and Trump Steaks have been the signature of a conman and a snake oil salesman. This from the guy who has contributed heavily to GLBT; Pelosi; and Reid and to Planned Parenthood that does “wonderful things.”
He is out of his depth in this run for the presidency such as telling the NY Times that he will sell US assets (presumably to the Chinese) to eliminate a national debt of 19Trillion in 8 years. This is harebrained stuff that 4th graders would know better. So why would anyone in their right mind support this idiocy?
I’d rather risk a lose to trump (won’t happen) then win with Cruz. There are zero differences between Hillary and Cruz. I can’t think of one except one is allegedly a guy and one is allegedly a female.