Disagree! It’s not the Millennials that are wimps, it’s liberal men. Just look at the Hillary rallies and you won’t find a man in the house. Most of the her female supporters have more testosterone than the men.
Last few weeks I have spent few hours going to World War II heros on YOUTUBE, and all of them, invariably, when the NEED and CALL came after Pearl Harbor, went down voluntarily knowing that it would be a long, hard and bitter struggle. They were indeed MEN.
It all starts in the schools. Dodgeball is banned. Playing in the schoolyard is banned. Forced dance festivals and other activities that aren’t meant for boys but they must attend. After school centers no longer feature sports as an activity. Gym is still gym, but coaches cannot yell at you like they used to, which means boys playing on sports teams don’t have much discipline.
Think back to when you were a kid in school. We played punch ball, dodgeball, had relay races and the losing team had to face the wall for a good game of a@@es up. Taught us to work harder.